Aluminium Frame w Glass Door


Aluminium Glass  Door Type & Colour Option (sample as below )  :

1.Safety Tempered Glass or Normal Glass
2. Aluminium Frame - NA frame or Powder Coated Frame
3. Frosted Film - Privacy Effect

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For Estimate Require  :

  1. Total Length (feet)  X Total  Height  (feet)
  2. Glass Colour Type
  3. Together with your company  email address / fax  no.
  4. Sent Email   /  Fax : 03 8061 5009
  5. We will reply the quote in 1-2  workings days

Sales Line : 03 5891 1701 /   016 372 7225

Step to Order :

  1. Get a Quotation from us
  2. Comfirm Order Upon 50% Deposit received
  3. Proceed  & Build Up in 3- 5 workings days

Powder Coating Sample :


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